Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Where can I buy heirloom tomato plants in Manhattan, NYC?

I'd prefer to buy locally here and see the plants first.

Where can I buy heirloom tomato plants in Manhattan, NYC?
I would suggest using the phone book, if you can lift it! LOL. Seriously, start looking for garden centers or greenhouses and call. A hint might be to look for one that has a flashy ad. I know this sounds funny, but if they have money for flashy ads they might stock something like heirloom plants. Maybe they will know of another store that does. Don't waste your time on large chain stores.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunatly there are not many stores that carry a good selection of heirloom tomato plants as there are not many greenhouses growing them for mass distrabution. Here is an excellent online source if you find nothing locally, http://www.gardenharvestsupply.com/category/potted-heirloom-tomato-plants-for-sale
