Sunday, May 23, 2010

How do i get my tomato plants to stop growing?

they are almost 6ft tall and they won't stop getting taller. they are outgrowing their supports and i would really like them to stop so i was wondering what is the right way to stop them...

How do i get my tomato plants to stop growing?
Lay off the nitrogen. This is what makes plants keep producing leaves and no fruit or flowers. Change your fertilizer. Also, when they get as tall as you want them to be, pinch the tops and let the sides start filling out.
Reply:just trim them,The plants will get bushier.It is rather late in the season for tomatos to grow much more. b.t.w...........*d
Reply:They are doing what they are supposed to. Next year buy determinate plants. They max out @ about 3'. You probably bought big boys. I buy better boys and don't have the problem.
Reply:Remember the movie, "The attack of the killer tomatos"?

Kill them and eat them before they kill you. Think, can you stop your child from growing?
Reply:Just train the top branches back down by tying them to the supports. Tomatoes are a vine so they will grow like any other vine.

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